Internal assessment of the students is based on three criteria which are communicated to the
students on the college website and during the orientation of students at the start of the first-
year course. Internal assessment is based on test assignments meant/project seminars, and
Assignment questions are provided at the end of each unit and the completed assignments are
expected to be submitted within the time schedule specified. Based on the correctness and
sincerity in answering the questions, weightage is provided for the determination of internal
assessment marks.
Based on the subject content/ related to the subject the presentation topics are allocated to the
students and asked to present for at least 10 minutes. Based on the presenting skills,
communication skills, and creativity in the preparation of slides, the marks will be awarded.
The count of attendance is another criterion for internal evaluation, attendance is a required
instrument that determines students' regularity to classes Students who have more than 90%
secure 5, between 89% to 85% 4, between84% to 81% 3, between 80% to 75% 2, less than
75% 0. Depending on the subject, some faculty have assigned 5 marks for attendance in class,
while others have given out 10 marks.